About Noviso

NOVISO boasts a proven track record in delivering inventive acoustic solutions tailored to industrial settings and their surroundings. With a deep commitment to research and development, we are at the forefront of acoustic technology, offering a comprehensive range of services and products to address the acoustic challenges faced by various industries. Our expertise extends across a wide spectrum, including noise reduction, vibration control, and acoustic consulting.

Our Mission

NOVISO is dedicated to creating a world where industry and its environment coexist harmoniously. We strive to transform noisy and vibratile environments into safe, comfortable, and productive workspaces. Our mission is to be the trusted partner for industries seeking to achieve acoustic excellence.

Noviso Goals

Noviso is dedicated to the advancement of acoustic technology through continuous research and development. Our goal is to develop innovative solutions for various industries that face acoustic challenges such as noise reduction and vibration control.

We prioritise customer satisfaction by understanding each client's unique requirements and delivering solutions within budget. Our expertise includes acoustics consultancy aimed at improving safety and productivity in the workplace while minimizing environmental noise pollution.

Trust and integrity are the foundation of everything we do, making us a reliable partner for all acoustic needs.

Noviso Values

At Noviso, we value innovation, quality and sustainability in everything we do. We believe in pushing the boundaries of what is possible with acoustic technology, constantly seeking new and creative solutions to meet the unique needs of each client.

Our dedication to research and development keeps us at the cutting edge and always ready to provide the most advanced and effective acoustic solutions. In addition to our technical expertise, we also focus on service and customer satisfaction.

We work closely with our customers to understand their specific acoustic challenges and goals, then tailor our services and products accordingly. This collaborative approach allows us to provide customised solutions that help our clients achieve their desired results while respecting their budget.

At Noviso, we are committed to creating a quieter, more comfortable world for everyone. Whether it's reducing noise pollution in urban areas or improving safety and worker productivity in industrial environments, we strive to make a positive impact through our work.

Above all, we value integrity, honesty and transparency in all aspects of our business, our customers can trust us to provide them with high quality acoustic solutions they rely on.

2 Locations

We are established in two dynamic European countries: France and Belgium.

Eco Solutions

Noviso Eco Solutions offers green acoustic innovations, combining sustainability and cutting-edge performance.

Our history

Since its founding, Noviso has been a pioneer in acoustic solutions. Driven by a core philosophy of collaboration and co-creation, we have established lasting connections with partners, enabling them to overcome acoustic barriers efficiently and cost-effectively. Today, we are proud to contribute to a better, quieter world for generations to come. Join us in celebrating a legacy marked by ingenuity, perseverance and progress.

Since its founding, Noviso has been a pioneer in acoustic solutions. Driven by a core philosophy of collaboration and co-creation, we have established lasting connections with partners, enabling them to overcome acoustic barriers efficiently and cost-effectively. Today, we are proud to contribute to a better, quieter world for generations to come. Join us in celebrating a legacy marked by ingenuity, perseverance and progress.

Since its founding, Noviso has been a pioneer in acoustic solutions. Driven by a core philosophy of collaboration and co-creation, we have established lasting connections with partners, enabling them to overcome acoustic barriers efficiently and cost-effectively. Today, we are proud to contribute to a better, quieter world for generations to come. Join us in celebrating a legacy marked by ingenuity, perseverance and progress.

Since its founding, Noviso has been a pioneer in acoustic solutions. Driven by a core philosophy of collaboration and co-creation, we have established lasting connections with partners, enabling them to overcome acoustic barriers efficiently and cost-effectively. Today, we are proud to contribute to a better, quieter world for generations to come. Join us in celebrating a legacy marked by ingenuity, perseverance and progress.